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Tumor-homing peptide-based NIR-II probes for targeted spontaneous breast tumor imaging

  • 【获取途径】 超星期刊网
  • 【作者】Hui Zhou,Shanshan Li,Xiaodong Zeng,Mengxian Zhang,Lin Tang,Qianqian Li,Deliang Chen,Xianli Meng,Xuechuan Hong
  • 【作者单位】Innovative Institute of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy,Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Key Laboratory of Combinatorial Biosynthesis and Drug Discovery (MOE),Hubei Province Engineering and Technology Research Center for Fluorinated Pharmaceuticals,Shenzhen Institute of Wuhan University;Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Organo-Pharmaceutical Chemistry,Chemistry and Chemical Engineering College,Gannan Normal University;College of Science,Innovation Center for Traditional Tibetan Medicine Modernization and Quality Control,Medical College,Tibet University
  • 【年份】2020
  • 【卷号】第6期
  • 【页码】1382-1386,1326
  • 【ISSN】1001-8417
  • 【摘要】 Fluorescence imaging in the second near-infrared window is a promising modality for real-time imaging of cancer and image-guided surgery with superior in vivo optical properties.So far,very few NIR-Ⅱ fluorophores have been reported for in vivo biomed...
  • 【基金】国家自然科学基金;湖北省自然科学基金
  • 【文献类型】 期刊

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