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Constructing GKMS-based e-Learning community

  • 【作者】By:Jiang, WH [ 1,2 ],Chen, YY [ 3 ],Luo, HW [ 1 ]
  • 【作者单位】[ 1 ] East China Normal Univ, Dept Educ Informat Technol, Shanghai 200062, Peoples R China Organization-Enhanced Name(s) East China Normal University [ 2 ] Tibet Univ, Sci Coll, Tibet 850000, Peoples R China Organization-Enhanced Name(s) Tibet University [ 3 ] Shanghai Soc Sci Coll, Shanghai 200235, Peoples R China
  • 【年份】2007
  • 【页码】4093
  • 【关键词】women\'s studies GKMS e-Learning community 
  • 【摘要】 Combining the ideas of general knowledge management system and the technology of Wide World Web, a perfect women\'s studies knowledge system can be established. Thus, by choosing, classifying and managing correlative knowledge, online academic resour...
  • 【文献类型】 期刊