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Study on Preparation of Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene Fibers

  • 【作者】Li, Wei,Hu, Haiyan
  • 【作者单位】; 1 Tibet Univ, Sci Sch, Lhasa 850000, Peoples R China   增强组织信息的名称     Tibet University       ; 2 Kai Hui Pharmaceut Shanghai Co Ltd, Shanghai 201499, Peoples R China
  • 【召开年】2018
  • 【会议地点】Jinan, PEOPLES R CHINA
  • 【会议录】ACSR-Advances in Comptuer Science Research
  • 【摘要】 Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene fibers are widely used in all walks of life because of their excellent properties and have attracted the attention of many experts and scholars at home and abroad. Research and preparation of domestic UHMWPE ...
  • 【文献类型】 会议论文