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A Study on the Development Model of Tibet's Eco-industry

  • 【作者】Yang, Wenfeng,Shi, Tingmeng
  • 【作者单位】; 1 Tibet Univ, Agr & Anim Husb Coll, Nyingchi 860000, Peoples R China   增强组织信息的名称     Tibet University
  • 【召开年】2016
  • 【会议地点】Tianjin, PEOPLES R CHINA
  • 【会议录】Advances in Social Science Education and Humanities Research
  • 【摘要】 With the dramatic economic development in Tibet, the carrying capacity of natural resources and eco-environment becomes the main factor restricting economic growth. Development of eco-industry is one of the effective ways to achieve coordinated and s...
  • 【文献类型】 会议论文