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Correlation of DNA methylation patterns to the phenotypic features of Tibetan elite alpinists in extreme hypoxia

  • 【作者】Zhuoma Basang,Shixuan Zhang,La Yang,Deji Quzong,Yi Li,Yanyun Ma,Meng Hao,WeiLin Pu,Xiaoyu Liu,Hongjun Xie,Meng Liang,Jiucun Wang,Qiangba Danzeng
  • 【作者单位】High Altitude Medical Research Center of Tibet University/Center of Tibetan Studies (Everest Research Institute),Tibet University;Tibet University-Fudan University Joint Laboratory for Biodiversity and Global Change,Tibet University;State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering,School of Life Sciences&Human Phenome Institute,Fudan University;Institute for Six-sector Economy,Fudan University;Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology,Department of Anthropology and Human Genetics,School of Life Sciences,Fudan University
  • 【年份】2021
  • 【卷号】第48卷
  • 【期号】 第10期
  • 【页码】928-935
  • 【ISSN】1673-8527
  • 【摘要】 High altitude is an extreme environment that imposes hypoxic pressure on physiological processes, and natives living at high altitudes are more adaptive in certain physiological processes. So far, epigenetic modifications under extreme changes in hyp...
  • 【文献类型】 期刊

发文期刊《Correlation of DNA methylation patterns to the phenotypic features of Tibetan elite alpinists in extreme hypoxia》历年引证文献趋势图
