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A review on bioenergy production from duckweed

  • 【作者】Guanyi Chen,Kaige Zhao,Wanqing Li,Beibei Yan,Yingying Yu,Jian Li,Yingxiu Zhang,Shaige Xia,Zhanjun Cheng,Fawei Lin,Liping Li,Hai Zhao,Yang Fang
  • 【作者单位】1 School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, China; 2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin, 300134, China; 3 School of Science, Tibet University, Lhasa, 850012, China; 4 Tianjin Key Lab of Biomass/Wastes Utilization, Tianjin, 300072, China; 5 Key Lab Environmental and Applied Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, 610041, China
  • 【年份】2022
  • 【卷号】Vol.161
  • 【页码】106468
  • 【ISSN】0961-9534
  • 【关键词】Duckweed Bioproducts Bio-oil Biogas Bioethanol Industrial precursors 
  • 【摘要】 Duckweed easily growing in wastewater and absorbing a large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater is now being considered as a promising solution to treat eutrophic water. However, if it is not salvaged in time, its rapid accumulation wil...
  • 【文献类型】 期刊