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Effects of soil nitrogen levels on growth and defense of the native and introduced genotypes of alligator weed

  • 【获取途径】 OA资源
  • 【作者】Mu Liu,Fang Zhou,Xiaoyun Pan,Zhijie Zhang,Bo Li
  • 【作者单位】1Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering, National Observations and Research Station for Wetland Ecosystems of the Yangtze Estuary, Institute of Biodiversity Science, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University , Shanghai 200438 , China;2Research Center for Ecology, College of Science, Tibet University , Lhasa 850000 , China;3Tibet University—Fudan University Joint Laboratory for Biodiversity and Global Change, Fudan University , Shanghai 200032 , China;4Ecology, Department of Biology, University of Konstanz , 78464 Konstanz , Germany
  • 【年份】2022
  • 【卷号】Vol.15 No.3
  • 【页码】461-472
  • 【关键词】Alternanthera philoxeroides Agasicles hygrophila growth–differentiation balance hypothesis phenotypic plasticity plant–herbivore interactions plant invasion 
  • 【摘要】 Plants growing in nutrient-rich environment are predicted to be less defended than conspecifics under nutrient limitation. However, less is known about the effects of nutrient levels on tolerance and induced resistance, and whether the effects differ...
  • 【文献类型】 期刊