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Line-of-shower triggermethod to lower energy threshold for GRB detection using LHAASO-WCDA

  • 【作者】Aharonian F,An Q,Axikegu,Bai LX,Bai YX,Bao YW,Bastieri D,Bi XJ,Bi YJ,Cai H,Cai JT,Cao Z,Cao Z,Chang J,Chang JF,Chang XC,Chen BM,Chen J,Chen L,Chen L,Chen L,Chen MJ,Chen ML,Chen QH,Chen SH,Chen SZ,Chen TL,Chen XL,Chen Y,Cheng N,Cheng YD,Cui SW,Cui XH,Cui YD,Dai BZ,Dai HL,Dai ZG,Danzengluobu,della Volpe D,D'Ettorre Piazzoli B,Dong XJ,Fan JH,Fan YZ,Fan ZX,Fang J,Fang K,Feng CF,Feng L,Feng SH,Feng YL,Gao B,Gao CD,Gao Q,Gao W,Ge MM,Geng LS,Gong GH,Gou QB,Gu MH,Guo JG,Guo XL,Guo YQ,Guo YY,Han YA,He HH,He HN,He JC,He SL,He XB,He Y,Heller M,HoRYK,Hou C,Hou X,Hu HB,Hu S,Hu SC,Hu XJ,Huang DH,Huang QL,Huang WH,Huang XT,Huang ZC,Ji F,Ji XL,Jia HY,Jiang K,Jiang ZJ,Jin C,Kuleshov D,Levochkin K,Li BB,Li C,Li C,Li F,Li HB,Li HC,Li HY,Li J,Li K,Li WL,Li X,Li X,Li XR,Li Y,Li YZ,Li Z,Li Z,Liang EW,Liang YF,Lin SJ,Liu B,Liu C,Liu D,Liu H,Liu HD,Liu J,Liu JL,Liu JS,Liu JY,Liu MY,Liu RY,Liu SM,Liu W,Liu YN,Liu ZX,Long W J
  • 【作者单位】Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies;Max-Planck-Institut for Nuclear Physics,Germany;State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics,State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics;University of Science and Technology of China,Anhui;School of Physical Science and Technology & School of Information Science and Technology,Southwest Jiaotong University;College of Physics,Sichuan University;Experimental Physics Division & Computing Center,Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences;TIANFU Cosmic Ray Research Center;School of Astronomy and Space Science,Nanjing University;Center for Astrophysics,Guangzhou University;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Physics and Technology,Wuhan University;Purple Mountain Observatory,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Key Laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy,Chinese Academy of Sciences;Hebei Normal University,Hebei;Shanghai Astronomical Observatory,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Key Laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology,Chinese Academy of Sciences;Tibet University,Key Laboratory of Cosmic Rays,Ministry of Education;National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Physics and Astronomy & School of Physics (Guangzhou),Sun Yat-sen University;School of Physics and Astronomy,Yunnan University;Departement de Physique Nucleaire et Corpusculaire,Faculte de Sciences,Universite de Geneve;Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita di Napoli “Federico II”,Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant'Angelo,via Cinthia;Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science,Shandong University;Department of Engineering Physics,Tsinghua University;School of Physics and Microelectronics,Zhengzhou University;Yunnan Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences,Russia;School of Physics,Peking University;School of Physical Science and Technology,Guangxi University;Tsung-Dao Lee Institute & School of Physics and Astronomy,Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • 【年份】2021
  • 【卷号】第5卷
  • 【期号】 第4期
  • 【页码】531-541
  • 【摘要】 Purpose Observation of high energy and very high emission from Gamma Ray Bursts is crucial to study the gigantic explosion and the underline processes. With a large field-of-view and almost full duty cycle, the Water Cherenkov Detector Array , a sub...
  • 【文献类型】 期刊