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An Exponential Curve Relationship Between Serum Urate and Migraine: A Cross-Section Study From NHANES

  • 【作者】Hong, Peiwei,Liu, Yao,Wan, Yang,Xiong, Hai,Xu, Yanming
  • 【作者单位】1Department of Neurology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China;2Department of Geriatric Medicine and Neurology, School of Public Health and West China Fourth Hospital, Sichuan University, West China, Chengdu, China;3Xindu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu, China;4Medical College of Tibet University, Lhasa, China
  • 【年份】2022
  • 【卷号】Vol.13
  • 【ISSN】1664-2295
  • 【摘要】 Background: Migraine is a common neurological disease and an important cause of disability worldwide. Serum urate is the end product of purine metabolism in Homo sapiens and other hominoids. Previous studies about the serum urate level in migraine we...
  • 【文献类型】 期刊